Saturday, August 11, 2012

Paraguay Appreciation List

Thursday marked 6 months here in Paraguay! I don’t know how it happened, but time here has passed faster than I ever imagined possible. This is officially the longest I have ever been away from home (Denver in second with 5.5 months), and so I figured I would write an appreciation list! The top 6 things I love about Paraguay (in no particular order):

1. Tereré and Maté. What’s not to like about an iced or hot tea break everyday?!

2. Saying ‘Buen Día’ or ‘Adios’ as you walk past your neighbors. A moment that passes as quickly as it comes and never fails to make you feel good.

3. The people. The men, women, and children who I have met here are some of the most giving and kind people I know. Before even knowing my name they welcomed me into their homes and went out of their way to make me feel comfortable. It is a type of generosity that I will never forget.

4. Sitting outside. Why is it in the States we feel this obligation to have gatherings inside if the temperature isn’t exactly how you like it out? Grab an iced cold drink, or some gloves, and get out in the elements!

5. Guarani. To have a language that is unique to a country and its people is pretty darn awesome. Now if only I could speak it…

6. The kids. Even if I am just walking to the local store to pick up some tomatoes, the kids always shout my name to say hello or run to catch up with me while I’m walking. They always put a smile on my face :)

I will leave you will a couple of photos of my 6th grade friends! On Wednesday they came over and we baked oatmeal raisin cookies!

Here’s to 21 more fabulous months! (And a big shout out to G39! Congrats on Swearing In yesterday!!)

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