So, what was I up to in February, you ask? Well, on February 9, I hit my one-year mark in country! Luckily, I was able to celebrate it with a lot of my G38 friends in Asuncion. I think we are all amazed at how fast the time has flown, as well as proud that all 28 of us who arrived a year ago are still here today. This also means that the new group of health volunteers is here! So, welcome to our sister G, G41!
With the library, I hit a bit of a wall. I really didn’t enjoy going there anymore. But then Valentine’s Day came along; I came up with a craft activity, and was rejuvenated. The kids LOVED the crafts! I’m not very artsy, which is why I never tried it before. I realized, though, that the simplest things are great for the kids, in which case my level of art is perfect! So last month we made valentines, drew our family trees, and made a welcome sign for a trainee visit I had at the end of the month. Also, I think we may have found a librarian!! Once I get more details I will post, but this is very exciting news!!!

I also started a reading club at the library. The first week failed. Only 2 kids came, and no one wanted to read. Week 2 brought 3 kids and we read two Curios George books in a circle, and played some checkers. Week three I came up with a plan: Read The Little Mermaid, create a word of the week based on the book (this week’s word was dreams), and then a writing activity based on the book/word. Smashing success! So now I will have that same layout weekly.

The last week of February I had a trainee, Meagan, come and visit me in site. I was super excited about it! When I went on my PCV visit a year ago, it made me so excited about my service, and so I hoped to do the same with this volunteer. We worked at the library, visited the health post, wrote a pedido for a new project to the government, visited with families, played pool and drank beers, and she even killed a chicken just like I did last year!! I had a great time, and of course hope that she enjoyed it as well!

What else… OH! I booked my flight in May to visit my cousins in Chile!!! It will just be a long weekend since they are busy with jobs and a kid and I am busy here, but I am SO EXCITED!!! I haven’t seen these guys since their wedding 5 years ago, so it will be a great chance to catch up and just hang out.
While a short month, I managed to cram a lot into it. As always, thanks for reading and hope you are well!
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