Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Living Through History

Most people have had a couple of these moments in their life. On 9/11, I was in my junior high, watching updates on the lunch lounge TV. When Barack Obama was elected president, I was rushing the quad at the University of Illinois surrounded by people singing the national anthem and waving the American flag. And now I can add another historical moment to my list.

Some of you might be aware, but if not, there have been some huge changes happening here in Paraguay. In the middle of June, there were some terrorist attacks in the northern region of the country. 17 people were left dead, including 6 police officers. A week later, the Paraguayan president, Lugo, underwent an impeachment trial. And on Friday, June 22nd, Lugo was officially impeached from office. For this historic moment, I was with two of my volunteer friends, watching on a tv in a Paraguayan neighbor’s house while drinking mate.

I am not going to offer any opinions on the matter; as a Peace Corps volunteer it is simply not my place. Know that things are calm here and I am perfectly safe.

Be sure to stay up to date on the news ☺

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