Sunday, October 16, 2011

To all you current volunteers... Help!

Since I have registered my blog with the Peace Corps blog page , the number of views has increased significantly. hopefully, some of you current volunteers will see this!!

I need to start buying things for Paraguay... A backpacking back pack, sleeping bag, clothes, shoes, etc. Do you have suggestions on products and/or brands that you have found useful?? Things you wish you would have brought but didn't think of? or things that you brought and later realized you really didn't need? any suggestions are welcome and will be well received!!

Thanks :)


  1. Hey there! I'm a PCV Paraguay. A bunch of people have packing lists on their blog. Mine is under the page "The things I carried"

    I'll mention a few things:

    I really like that I brought a lot of clothes that dry fast. We hand wash and hang dry. I recommend Exoficcio travel underwear if you're in the market.

    Get a Pack that fits really well. If you buy it at REI or any camping store worth their salt, someone should fit it to you.

    Think about little things that make you happy and probably can't get in Paraguay. And you can get a lot of things in Paraguay. But for me it was a specific brand of Chapstick and face lotion. For one guy it was deodorant. It could be your fav spice mix, or brand of sock.

    Media: Bring music and movies. Once in service you'll have down time to fill. Especially when it rains.

    Don't worry too much. Paraguay has a lot of stuff you can buy. You can even get clothes made.

  2. Thanks for the tips, and I checked out your page and got some great suggestions, thanks!!

  3. Hey! I'm a PCV in Paraguay as well. Everyone has different tips but the thing I 100% ABSOLUTELY recommend is that you bring a hot water bottle. Old-fashioned, but BELIEVE me when it is the winter and you are freezing in your bed with two pairs of pants and three blankets, this hot water bottle will SAVE YOUR LIFE! Hands down, it is the best thing I have brought to Paraguay.

    I brought this one to Paraguay and it has been the biggest lifesaver ever:

    Cheers and we can't wait to have you down here with us!

  4. Hi Emily! Welcome to Paraguay! I'm looking forward to meeting you in a handful of months.

    I second Taylor in that you should bring with you whatever brings you comfort and happiness. I brought with a pillow and a set of jersey sheets from Target. It took up a little more room than I would like in my bags, but it was so worth it.

    If you plan to work with any schools (You're Health, right? A lot of folks in your sector work with schools.) I'd recommend bringing with a pair of dockers-style slacks. Also, (and I can only speak to my town) most women wear makeup to everything. I didn't wear make up in the States, so I didn't bring anything with. Trying to buy makeup here was annoying and a little pricey.

    Finally, I really wish I brought at least one "cute" outfit with me to Paraguay. Every once and a while you may have the opportunity to meet other volunteers in a larger city for a night out. It may surprise you how good it will feel to dress up.

    Have fun and savor this time! We're all looking forward to meeting you!

